A true love winner always apologizes for his mistakes and forgives others. A love winner is always a life winner - Koduri Anurag.

By Koduri Anurag - April 28, 2021
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This Man Gabriel (Dojang) Deserves more than an award. I still wonder why he is underrated.

By Koduri Anurag - April 23, 2021
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Love is like a sandwich. Happiness on one side, Sadness on the other and Your Feelings in the middle - Koduri Anurag.

By Koduri Anurag - April 19, 2021
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Addicted to these Kulfis

By Koduri Anurag - April 11, 2021
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Don't waste your Magical Feelings for Dreadful People - Koduri Anurag.

By Koduri Anurag - April 08, 2021
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Ignore the People who rush. And remember that second mouse gets the cheese - Koduri Anurag.

By Koduri Anurag - April 05, 2021
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